Packraft brands

Ultralight, sturdy backpacking boats for travelling on water and land from Anfibio Packrafting Gear, MRS Packraft und GP General Packraft. Please also check our comparison chart.

Anfibio Packrafts

Ultralight, sustainable, innovative. The core ethos of packrafting is what Anfibio is all about. These robust Packrafts are comfortable, agile and safe. Ideal for expeditions, adventure races, river trekking, white water and more: .

MRS Packrafts

Multipurpose and specialized packrafts which come in a great variety of sizes, colours and with comprehensive outfit in an exceptional high manufacturing quality. These well-known boats are rugged and fast.

Further brands

Selected manufacturers complementing our range of classic Packrafts. Especially GP (General Packraft) stands for a range of classic packrafts with good features at an attractive price.